Wednesday 23 January 2013

Member of the National Union of Students & School Council.

The National Union of Students (NUS) is an association of 600 student unions who represent the interest of more then seven millions students to work towards their achieving their aim of promoting, defending and extending the rights of students and to develop and champion strong student unions. During my time in Post 16 at Frome Community College I was elected by my peers to be a member of our school union in which my role was  to help plan both social and charity events, manage and arrange stock and organise resources such as leaver books and T-shirts. This role has taught me and allowed me to extended upon a wide variety of skills particularly social and organisational ones as I had to interact with a wide variety of individuals in order to complete tasks.

I was also an active member of the Student Council which consists of two representatives from each year group whom would meet each week to act as a student voice for any issues raised by our peers. This opportunity enabled me to work within a team in which i had my own role and  was required to present mine and other views which I also respect even if I did not necessarily agree with them- which is vital in a work setting.

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